Attributes of the self of Allah. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

The Attributes Of Allâh God

It is a duty to know the thirteen attributes of Allah God which are: Existence (al-Wujud), Oneness (al-Wahdaniyyah), Eternity (al-Qidam), Everlastingness (al-Baqâ'), Non-neediness of others (al-Qiyamu bin-Nafs), Non-resemblance to the creatures (al-mukhâlafatu lil-Hawâdith), Power (al-Qudrah), Will (al-Iradah), Knowledge (al-`Ilm), Life (al-Hayah), Hearing (as-sam`), Sight (al-BaSar), and Speech (al-Kalam).

The Meaning tafsir of surat al-’Ikhlāṣ

Al-Hāfiḍh Ibnou Ḥajar said in his book Fatḥou l-Bārī: Al-Bayhaqiyy reported in al-'Asmā' wa ṣ-ṣifāt with a ḥaçan transmission chain according to Ibnu `Abbās that the disbelievers came to the prophet and he Say, tell us your Lord, whom you worship. Allāh revealed qul houwa lLāhou Aḥad until the end of the sūrat. The prophet said, "These are the attributes of my Lord` zza wa jall."

The Meaning of Ayatu l-Kursiyy Tafsir

Allâh is the One Who is the Only God. He is the One Who is attributed with an eternal and everlasting Life (which is without soul, body, blood, bones or need for food). He is the One Who manages the world and does not need any one and every one needs Him. He is not seized with somnolence or sleep. To Him belongs what is in the heavens and Earth. No one will intercede, on the Day of Judgment, except with His permission.

How Does One Become a Muslim ? Convert to Islam

One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy. The Two Testifications of Faith are: I testify that no one is God except God and I testify that Muḥammad is the prophet of God. If someone does not know how to say Muḥammad he can call the prophet by Abu l-Gaacim: no one is God except God and Abu l-Gaacim is the prophet of God.

Allah Exists Without a Place. God does not resemble His Creation

Allâh created the universe, He exists before the space and the time. God exists without place and does not depend on time. We do not say "where" or "when" or "how" about Allâh.

Protect his Faith: Avoid Apostasy, Blasphemy, Disbelief

Becomes a blasphemer who attributes to God the son, and even the one who attributes to God the space or time or change or organs or mood or direction or whatever is attributes of creatures. Becomes a disbeliever whoever claims to be a non-Muslim or support the disbelief or approves the disbelief or denies the law of God or belittles it or one of the prophets or angels, or attributes to him disbelief.

Explanation of the 99 Perfect Names Of ALLAH GOD

Allâh has the perfect names which are 99 in number. The Names of God are also called Attributes of God except the name Allâh we do not say attribute, we say Name. Allah is free from the attributes of creatures.

Importance of Learning Islam by Oral Transmission from Trustworthy People

Learning religion is obligatory for every Muslim. The science of religion is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, leading you to eternal happiness that has no end. The knowledge of Tawhid implies to know Allah and his messenger, and this is the best of all knowledge of Islam.

God does not resemble the Creation

Allâh exists without a place. He created the universe and willed for the existence of time. He is not bound by time or designated with place. The development is a sign of needing others, and the one who needs others is not God. There is absolutely nothing like Allâh whatsoever, and He has the attributes of Hearing and Seeing.

Seeing Allâh in the Hereafter. Vision of Allâh by the Believers in Paradise

The most eminent of the graces which will be given to people of the paradise when they will be for the paradise, they will see Allah ta`âlâ. They will see Him and there is no something that people of the paradise will more like than seeing Allâh. They will see Him without how, without place and without direction.

The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature

Allah created the heavens, the earths, and the mountains. Allah created the rivers and the seas. Allah created the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets. Allah created the shrubs, the trees, the humans, and the animals.The first thing Allah created was water. It is above the heavens. Allah is the Creator of everything and He doesn't need any thing.